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工党党首Bill Shorten:“我们会创造历史。”
2016-05-22 21:08 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:刘畅 黄艺

工党党首Bill Shorten

东南网澳大利亚站5月21日讯(本站记者 彭寒) 澳大利亚反对党,即工党(Labor Party)于5月21日上午在悉尼坎普贝尔顿(Campbelltown)举行了新南威尔士州选前大会,工党党首Bill Shorten出席并发表了长约半个小时的演讲。


“大选属于每一个澳大利亚人,我们会走进每一个居民区,深入到每一个澳大利亚的家庭。”Bill Shorten如是说。

“这是一次规模更大的大选,我们并不被外界看好(We came to this election as underdogs),但我们会与一百万个选民对话,与他们讨论澳大利亚的未来。”



Bill Shorten答记者问

据悉,教育是本次大选的重点话题。以Bill Shorten为首的反对党,即工党,对自由党政府所提出的有关放宽高校管理(university deregulation)的相关政策提出了明确反对,有专家指出后者可能将导致高校学费大幅涨价。


Bill Shorten的竞选大巴


“We’re going to make history.” Says Bill Shorten

By Han, 21 May Bill Shorten, the opposition leader from Australian Labor Party, spoke to his members and supporters of News South Wales this morning in Campbelltown, saying even though Labor came into this election as the underdog, they’ll make history. “This election is not about me or Mr. Turnbull.” Bill Said, “It’s about 24 millions people of Australia.” “We will have 1 million conversations with Australians during our campaign about our vision for this country. 1 Millions.” The room was filled out with hundreds of his supporters, whose cheering and applause stopped Bill several times during his speech. “I may never have a chance to go to university without Labor party.” Said Marc, the 25-year-old Labor volunteer, “I’m now fighting for my schoolmates.” The education sector is considered as one of the major battlefield of this election with the Liberal government’s intention of implementing university regulation plan. “We will make history.” Said Mr. Shorten.

Bill Shorten, leader of Australian Labor Party

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