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2016-07-14 17:53 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:石月 黄艺


东南网澳大利亚站7月14日讯 (本站记者 彭寒)关于应菲律宾共和国单方面请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭于2016年7月12日作出的裁决,澳大利亚各大华人华侨社团于昨日纷纷公开发声,力挺中国政府维护南海主权。








澳大利亚外长Julie Bishop(左)与中国外长王毅,资料图

澳大利亚外交部长Julie Bishop(朱莉·毕晓普)于昨晚发表媒体通告,称南海仲裁案仲裁庭所做出的裁决符合联合国海洋法公约(United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea),只于海洋权益有关,与主权无关,并呼吁中菲双方遵守并执行该裁决。

而与此同时,除了声明之外,Julie Bishop并没有证实澳大利亚会有任何进一步实质性的行动计划。

早在今年年初,Julie Bishop就曾多次表态,在南海问题上澳大利亚不会选边站,并指出澳大利亚在该地区的任何行动改变都将带来紧张态势加剧的危险。而在仲裁结果出炉之后,包括Julie Bishop本人和总理Malcolm Turnbull(马尔科姆·特恩布尔)在内的多名澳大利亚高层政客都公开表示,任何希望澳大利亚参与所谓“自由航行”(Freedom of Navigation)计划,并向南海派遣船只的声音都是“极为不负责任的”,将会“加剧整个地区的紧张气氛”。

“所有人都希望地区局势可以缓和下来。”澳总理Malcolm Turnbull昨天表示,自己也是其中一员。




自由航行(Freedom of Navigation,FON)是国际习惯法中的一个原则,即除了国际法规定的例外情况,悬挂任何主权国家旗帜的船舶不受来自其他国家的干扰。而如果该船只要经过某国的领海,则必须建立在“无害通过”的前提下,即不损害沿海国的和平、安全和良好秩序。



South China Sea: Chinese Australian Associations Back Chinese Govt

By Han, Southeast Net Australia, 14 July

Numbers of overseas Chinese Associations in Australia have issued their statements of backing Chinese Government over the dispute of South China Sea yesterday, after the South China Sea arbitral tribunal in The Hague delivered an outrageously one-sided ruling in the case initiated by the Philippines.

China has been staying objective and calm throughout the whole process and insists on settling the dispute by dialogue, with its clear attitude of not accepting any third-party involvement, wrote James Zhou, deputy president of Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China.

“It’s now the time of bringing the farce back on the right track.” He also wrote.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, on the other hand, has admitted the binding power of the arbitration, and meanwhile denying any future plans of conducting Australian patrols within 12 nautical miles of the artificial islands built by China.

Mr. Xiangmo Huang, Chairman of Board of UTS Australia China Relations Institute, called the statement of Australian government of backing the arbitration expected but “silly”.

At this particular point, it’s unlikely for Australia to conduct any further move of the Freedom Of Navigation exercise within the claimed territory of China, said Huang.

Freedom of Navigation

Australia will continue to exercise our international law rights to freedom of navigation and overflight, and support the right of others to do so, wrote Julie Bishop in her statement, to which Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said he was “Shocked” by Julie Bishop’s remark.

"We hope that the Australian side will take international law seriously, instead of as a trifling matter," Lu Kang told a daily news briefing on Thursday.

The division of High Sea, Exlusive Economic Zone and Territorial Sea

The technical term of ‘Freedom of Navigation’ is a principle of customary international law that ships flying the flag of any sovereign state shall not suffer interference from other states in high sea and exclusive economic zone, codified as article 87(1) a of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, to which Australia has ratified.

Other states also enjoy the rights of innocent passage, being not prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state, through the territorial sea of a coastal state, said United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; notably, the United States has signed, but not ratified the convention.

However, United State Freedom of Navigation program has been challenging other coastal states’ territorial claims for over 30 years, by sending Navy & Air Force within claimed territorial sea.


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