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山东中烟举办晚宴答谢在澳经销商 第二届澳大利亚产品巡展在悉尼拉开帷幕
2016-07-16 22:22 刘畅 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:刘畅 黄艺


东南网澳大利亚站7月16日讯(本站记者 刘畅) 由山东中烟生产的卷烟系列产品在澳大利亚上市两年多以来,广受澳洲当地消费者欢迎。15日晚,山东中烟系列产品第二届澳大利亚产品巡展在悉尼拉开帷幕。约200位悉尼当地经销商受邀参与了当晚的答谢晚宴。山东中烟国际运营中心王照军总经理出席了宴会。








"China Tobacco Shandong" products widely welcomed by Australian

By Charlie, Southeast Net Australia, 16 July

Cigarettes produced by China Tobacco Shandong Industrial, are widely welcomed in Australia over the past 2 years. In the evening of 15th July, the company lifts the curtain of their 2nd Australia Tour in Sydney. About 200 dealers were invited to the banquet. Zhaojun Wang, General Manager of the company's International Operations Centre, attended the event.

“Their products are very popular, they have done a lot of things to adapt to the Australia market.” Mr Feng, a Sydney local dealer states, “We can get profit, and they also repay us through other methods, such as this banquet tonight. Very good.”

He also says, “their product is American Blend, which has similar taste compared to mainstream products on the market, but with about half the price, very good value.”

Not only food and wine were served at the night, several performances were also brought on the stage, including magic show and the Chinese traditional “face-changing” show, a miracle part of the Sichuan Opera. What is more, tablet computers and smart watches were given away in the lucky draw section.

It is reported that this event will be held in Perth, Adelaide and Melbourne in the coming days.


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