东南网澳大利亚站7月19日综合报道 (本站记者 彭寒)刚刚成功连任的澳大利亚总理Malcolm Turnbull(马尔科姆·谭宝)于当地时间昨天下午宣布了新政府的内阁成员名单。
新一届澳大利亚政府极大程度上保留了原有的核心成员,小部分的内阁成员经历了职位上的变动。其中,政府内阁新设国防工业部(Ministry for Defense Industry),来自南澳的众议员Christopher Pyne当选为该部第一任部长,这也是本次Malcolm Turnbull成功连任后在内阁中唯一一个新增设的部门。
“这是一个非常关键的经济发展部门。”总理Malcolm Turnbull在像当地媒体介绍这个新的部门时说,“军舰和潜艇的建造计划将创造3600个就业岗位,将来在供应链上的就业机会还会更多。”
值得一提的是,国防部并没有因为新的国防工业部的出现而消失。Malcolm Turnbull表示国防工业部将主要负责与军舰和潜艇建造有关的项目,该项目将在南澳启动。
对于这一项变动,反对党副领袖Tanya Plibersek在接受澳大利亚广播公司采访时表示,这是在给原国防部长“降职”。
“我们在国防上的改变是巨大的,所以我们需要更多领导力。” 总理Malcolm Turnbull在谈到设立新部门的意图时说道。
新任国防工业部长Christopher Pyne,资料图
(编者注:在澳大利亚现行的体系中,内阁(Cabinet)是包括高级部长和总理在内的核心部门,外阁(Outer Ministry)中的部长是除了高级部长之外的其他部长,除了他们之外还有专门的助理部长(Assistant Ministry)。以上所有的人员是联邦政府的核心部分,也是中文里广义上所指的“内阁”(Ministry),即执政党的前座议员(Frontbencher)。)
内阁不会大改是Malcolm Turnbull在选前就已经向他们团队做出的承诺,而如何在不进行大改动的情况下在未来三年中重新建立起民众对自由党国家党联合政府的信心,将会是Malcolm Turnbull和他的新政府将会面临的挑战。
“我会向前看,而不是向后。新的政府很稳定。”Malcolm Turnbull在组建新政府后接受澳大利亚广播公司采访时说,“我们会为澳大利亚带来强大而稳定的未来。”
Malcolm Turnbull’s New Ministry Sworn in, New Ministry Unveiled
By Han, Southeast Net Australia, 19 July
Reshuffled Ministry of Malcolm Turnbull has sworn in today, unveiling minor changes on several titles, as well as formally introducing the Ministry for Defense Industry.
Every one of former Cabinet Ministers remain within the Cabinet as flagged in election Campaign, as Queensland Senator Matt Canavan was the only one promoted into Cabinet.
South Australia MP Christopher Pyne moves from his previous portfolio of industry, innovation and science, to his new stand-alone title of Minister for Defense Industry.
He will be responsible for delivering the $195 billion worth of projects in South Australia announced by the Government earlier this year in its Defense White Paper. The defense-manufacturing project will deliver, as reported, 12 submarines (bought from France in April), 9 future frigates and 12 offshore patrol vessels.
Deputy leader of the opposition Tanya Plibersek describes the change as a “demotion” for Ms. Marise Payne, Minister for Defense.
It is also one of the largest frontbenches in Australian history that Prime Minister has just introduced, described by himself as “committed and stable”.
"It's an extraordinary approach: just give everyone a job and hope that they will stay happy." Tanya Plibersek on the other hand, told ABC News, on the new frontbench of Coalition.