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Hillary Clinton被正式提名为美国总统候选人 澳前女总理力挺
2016-07-27 15:44 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:彭寒

Hillary Clinton在个人社交媒体上发布图片,写道“History(历史)”,资料图

东南网澳大利亚站7月16日综合报道(本站记者彭寒)当地时间7月26日,美国前第一夫人,前国务卿Hillary Clinton(希拉里•克林顿)。在经历了和自己党内最大的对手,民主党参议员Bernie Sanders(伯尼•桑德斯)艰难而又充满戏剧性的选战之后,在宾夕法尼亚州费城举行的民主党全国大会上被正式提名为2016年美国总统大选候选人。

澳大利亚前任总理,同时也是澳大利亚历史上唯一一位女总理Julia Gillard(朱莉亚•吉拉德)第一时间向Hillary表示了祝贺,并盛赞Hillary是美国历史上“最够格和有准备”的总统候选人。

同为女性政治人物,Julia Gillard(右)力挺Hillary Clinton(左),资料图



事实上,Julia Gillard支持Hillary已经不是一天两天的事情了。早在2012年,JuliaGillard就曾作为澳大利亚总理出席克林顿全球倡议年会(Clinton Global InitiativeConference),并与Hillary交流有关促进女性政治参与的想法。

“未来的女性领袖正在看着我们。”Julia Gillard在个人社交媒体上写道。


Hillary Clinton Officially Nominated, Julia Gillard Backs

By Han, Southeast Net Australia, 27 July

Former US secretary of state and First Lady Hillary Clinton has been officially nominated as Democratic Candidate for the next US president in the national convention of Democratic Party at Philadelphia, after a long tough battle with her democratic rival, senator Bernie Sanders.

She has also made a new history and became the first women in the history that stands this close to the US presidency.

Former female Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard has congratulated Mrs. Clinton in her social media, caption “Women around the world are watching.”

While Ms. Hillary and her supporters celebrating the victory in the convention, hundreds of Sanders supporters have occupied the media center of the convention, protesting over the latest Clinton scandal where senior Democratic National Committee staffs were suggested to undermine Mr. Sander’s campaign.


As earlier wrote in New York Times, Julia Gillard believes Mrs. Clinton is the “most qualified and prepared presidential candidate the US has ever seen.”

“But even someone of her vast experience has been buffeted by what I call the ‘curious question of gender’.” She wrote.

The only female Prime Minister of Australia has compared the abuse that Hillary has been facing in this campaign with what she dealt with when she was in office, “Every Democrat, every Republican, every person who believes that women and men are equal should call out any sexism.”



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