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2016-07-28 08:29 来源:新华网 责任编辑:石月 黄艺


在新的起点上加快推进陆军转型建设 努力建设一支强大的现代化新型陆军









President Xi stresses development of PLA army

BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on the ground force of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to transform and build itself into a "mighty, modernized, new-style" military force.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), made the remarks on Wednesday during an inspection of the army's headquarters ahead of the 89th anniversary of the founding of the PLA on Aug. 1.

Extending greetings to all soldiers and officers on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC, Xi urged the PLA army general command to ensure reform and rule of law to strengthen the armed forces under the new circumstances of information age.

The army general command was established late last year as part of the country's military and national defense reform.

Noting that the reform resulted in the readjustment and establishment of military units, Xi urged the army authorities to create a sound life and work environment for soldiers and officers.

"Our troops originated from army, developed on the basis of army, and have roots in the army," Xi said, hailing the army's "immortal and meritorious achievements" in realizing national independence and liberation; safeguarding state sovereignty, security and development interests; assisting economic and social construction; and ensuring the safety of people's lives.

According to Xi, developing a strong army is crucial to the building of a world-leading military as well as the Party and country's long-term stability. All members of the army should grasp the opportunity to play their part.

Major improvements and upgrading should be made in the army's management mode and fighting capability, Xi said, calling for a development strategy to this end.

He ordered the army to boost training with the same intensity of real combat, ensure combat readiness, and contribute more to the entire military's fighting capacity.

The army should intensify reforms in its scale and structure, among other aspects, Xi said.

Besides, the army should improve precise strikes, speedy responses, long-distance maneuvers, seizing key forts, and sabotage operations, he said.

The authority and enforcement of laws and regulations must be strengthened so that rule of law will be followed during the army's restructuring, according to Xi.

He also stressed "political guarantee" in the army's restructuring, requiring the army to "unswervingly adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the armed forces, and obey the command of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC."

Moreover, Xi said anti-corruption campaign must be intensified to purify the troops' work style.

Fan Changlong and Xu Qiliang, vice chairmen of the CMC, participated in the inspection.


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