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中国与澳大利亚网约车合法化进程 家家有本难念的经
2016-07-29 18:37 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:彭寒

















“我把它看作是UBER的胜利,我们可以合法挣钱了。”悉尼UBER司机David与记者聊起新州网约车合法化时表示,“目前还有一个问题是乘坐UBER 需不需要交GST(商品和服务消费税),这个对我们还是影响很大。”



China Legalizes Ride-Sharing Service, UBER Included

By Han, Southeast Net Australia, 29 July

New chapter of history revealed for UBER and its local rivals in China as State Department of Transport unveiled the new regulation yesterday, legalizing ride-sharing service in China.

After a 10-month public consult, the largest market of ride-sharing serviceacross the world --- nearly 400 million Chinese people are now traveling within their cities with ride-sharing service --- is to be regulated by the State and Provincial Government of China.

The new rule, to be formally implemented in November, has ruled out companies like DIDI and UBER from operating under cost to win a larger market share. The subsidy war last year where almost every ride-sharing service provider in China spent billions on both passengers and drivers, just to expand their business in the enormous market, has been called off by the government.

“What has been displayed in terms of pouring capital for market share has never been observed anywhere else in the world, which left the market orderless and filled with irrational consumption. ” Transport expert XuKangming Said.

“The new regulation paves the way back to order.”

Like the several states in Australia where UBER has been legalized, drivers in China are also required to undergo criminal behavior checks before they are eligible of driving passengers.

 The new regulation has also enforced ride-sharing service providers to pay tax and purchase insurance for every passenger, which is widely considered as a sign of higher prices to travel with UBER and DIDI.

“Raising price is an option,” said Ms. Sun, staff of UBER China, “But UBER has not raised prices for now. ”

“It is the greatest pleasure for us to witness the history with all of you.” Said UBER China in its official statement. While most ride-sharing service providers are cautiously celebrating, cab drivers are certainly the loser of the new regulation.

 Although we’ve seen several cab drivers strikes in different cities of China in the past year, compensation to these cab drivers are not mentioned or likely to happen, according to the source from DIDI.

“I’ve been thinking about switching to UBER for a while.” Said Wong, a taxi driver from Chengdu, Central City of China, “It’s about time.”

 Chinese people have been debating over the whole year whether taxi plate fee is to blame in the first place, while the truth is UBER and its local rivals including DIDI have boosted employment of China by helping 13% of their full-time drivers out of then unemployment.

“Nobody is to blame. It’s a new industry and it’s enormous.” Said Lee, a UBER driver in Beijing.


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