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2016-08-01 13:35 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:彭寒 黄艺


东南网澳大利亚站7月31日讯 (本站记者 彭寒 王慧明/摄)中国·青海民族文化艺术展演于悉尼时间今天下午在位于悉尼市中心的Ultimo Community Center隆重举行。超过200件摄影以及唐卡艺术作品,连同从青海远道而来的民族艺术家们表演的歌舞,让悉尼的市民们领略了来自世界屋脊最美丽和纯净的文化风光。

包括青海省委宣传部副部长胡维忠,North Sydney(悉尼北部选区)联邦议员Trent Zimmerman,悉尼市议员Angela Vithoulkas,前新州上议员何沈慧霞,前Auburn市(悉尼西区城市)市长林丽华,悉尼市议员华裔候选人邹佳虹等在内的多名中澳政要出席了该活动。

“我们从世界屋脊来到悉尼,希望可以展示一个真实,纯净的青海给澳大利亚,促进两国的文化和旅游合作。” 青海省委宣传部副部长胡维忠在接受本站记者采访时表示。

North Sydney联邦议员Trent Zimmerman对活动中的歌舞表演和艺术作品展现出了浓厚的兴趣,他非常高兴地表示,“当人们谈论起中澳的关系时,他们大多都在讨论我们在经济上的合作,但是真正的交流是建立在对相互之间文化的理解上的。我们非常欢迎来自青海的代表团。”




Invitation from the World’s Roof: Qinghai Ethnic Culture & Art Exhibition a Hit in Sydney

By Han and Rita, Southeast Net Australia, 31 July

Over 200 pieces of photography arts and Thang-Ka paintings, together with the ethnic dances and singings, brought hundreds of Sydney audience all the way to the very roof of the world, Qinghai plateau.

Over 200 photographs and Thang-ka paintings were displayed

China·Qinghai Ethnic Culture & Art Exhibition was held in Ultimo Community Center this afternoon, with a message by Qinghai Publicity Vice Director Mr. Hu of “bringing the real culture of Qinghai to Australia”.

“When people talked about relations between the two countries, they often put their focus on the economic relations.” Said Mr. Trent Zimmerman, federal MP for North Sydney, at the exhibition, “But it is the true mutual understanding of each other’s culture that forms the very foundation of our relation.”

Qinghai, also known in English as Kokonur, is the fourth largest province of China located in Qinghai-Tibet plateau. The province has long been the home for various ethnic groups and religious Buddhism.

“We hope Australian people are able to explore it themselves,” Said Mr. Hu, “I want to send this message to Australia, see you all in Qinghai.”

Ethnic singer performing

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