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全澳人口普查:人人有责 正确参与
2016-08-01 17:38 石月 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:石月 黄艺


东南网澳大利亚站综合报道 本站记者 石月

2016澳大利亚人口普查(Census of Population and Housing, 简称Census)将以8月9日夜为时间点对在澳人员及其信息进行统计。所有身处澳洲境内的人均必须通过网上填表或邮寄表单的方式参与,否则将面临最高$1,800澳元的罚款。

履行义务 全民参与

五年一次的Census是由澳大利亚数据统计局(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 简称ABS) 依照《1905年人口普查与统计法》(Census and Statistics Act 1905)进行的,是所有在澳居民需履行的法律义务。


除外国使节和他们的家人外,每个身处澳洲境内的人,包括留学生,临时工作签证持有者和外国游客等,均需要于8月9日人口普查夜(Census Night)当晚所在地配合完成本次统计,当晚身处澳洲境外的人,则无需参加。

“Census是每个在澳居民必须履行的义务,得到了绝大部分澳大利亚人的支持和配合。一般来讲,对拒绝参与者采取罚款手段让其配合的情况很少。但根据1905年人口普查与统计法,会对拒绝参加或者提供不实信息者予以相应处罚。” 高瑞律师事务所的律师邹佳虹说。




2011年前,工作人员会上门收发表格 资料图


两种方式完成Census 资料图


来自悉尼大学的人类学专家Luis Angosto-Ferrandez博士对此表示,“每一个人都能够站出来并且被计算在人口普查内是非常重要的。”








2016’s Census calls for everyone

Australian largest collection of statistical information Census(Census of Population and Housing) will occur on August 9. Undertaken by Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census is calling for everyone in Australia to take part in.

Legal obligation of everyone in Australia

Under the authority of the Census and Statistics Act 1905, the Census is compulsory for everyone in Australia, except foreign ambassadors and their families.

“Census is compulsory, it has been supported by most Australian, the need to enforce penalties for non-completion is rare. However, based on the Census and Statistics Act 1905, people who fail to complete Census would face to penalties.” Grace Zou, lawyer from GEA Lawyers said.

According to Census and Statistics Act 1905, ABS would firstly notify non-completion over their obligation to complete Census. If they continuously refuse to complete, they may face a fine of up to $180 per day until the form is finished and returned, but the penalty would be no more than $1800. Providing false or misleading statements or information is also an offence.

What's New in 2016’s Census

There won’t be any house hold doorknockers to deliver and collect the form during 2016’s Census, where people are able to complete form online or by post instead. ABS predict that 70% of the participants would complete Census online.

Most of the Census’s questions are remained, however two questions have changed this year. In the question” What is your religion”, “no religion “became optional. Besides, the 2016’s Census firstly recognizes those who don’t identify as male or female.

Dr. Luis Angosto-Ferrandez, an Anthropology expert form University of Sydney, believes that it is significant for everyone to stand up and be counted.

Safety Concerns of privacy information

Collecting essential residential information will of course arouse privacy and safety concerns. A number of Australians believe that it is unnecessary to show their name and address on the Census form. ABC journalist Chris Berg wrote in his article that the safest way to protect data is to not collect it at all, the second safest way is to destroy that data after collection.

In respond to the concerns, ABS announced they will have legal obligations to keep Census data secure and ensure that it does not disclose identifiable information about persons, household or business, and personal name identified information would be destroyed after 4 years or shorter since it has been collected.

“I also have privacy and safety concerns about the Census data, however it is undertaken by the governments, I have the faith to trust ABS could keep them safe. I hope ABS could use the data properly and destroy the data on time”, said a residence in Eastwood.

Since the first Census 1911, most Australians have given their overwhelming support and willing to the Census. It provides a snapshot of Australia, helping shape the nation’s education, health, transport and infrastructure.

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