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澳联储宣布降息至1.5% 创半世纪以来历史新低
2016-08-02 17:52 林佳慧 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:林佳慧 黄艺

东南网澳大利亚站8月2日综合报道(本站记者 林佳慧)澳联储8月2日下午会议宣布,下调现金利率目标0.25个百分点,从1.75%降至1.5%,创50年来历史新低。

澳联储(Reserve Bank of Australia),资料图












Reserve Bank of Australia cuts interest rates to record low of 1.5 per cent

By Jessie, Southeast Net Australia, 2nd August

The Reserve Bank has cut rates to a new historic low of 1.5%. The statement by Glenn Stevens, announcing that the Board decided to lower the cash rate by 25 basis points to 1.50 per cent, effective 3 August 2016.

The global economy is continuing to grow, at a lower than average pace. While conditions have become more difficult for a number of emerging market economies.

Commodity prices are above recent lows, but this follows very substantial declines over the past couple of years. Australia's terms of trade remain much lower than they had been in recent years.

Recent data confirm that inflation remains quite low. Given very subdued growth in labor costs and very low cost pressures elsewhere in the world, this is expected to remain the case for some time.

The likelihood of lower interest rates exacerbating risks in the housing market has diminished.

These factors are all assisting the economy to make the necessary economic adjustments, though an appreciating exchange rate could complicate this.

The Bloomberg survey showed that 80% of Economists had predicted a rate cut today. To prospects for sustainable growth in the economy, with inflation returning to target over, would be improved by easing monetary policy at this meeting.

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