东南网澳大利亚2月17日讯(本网通讯员 Becky) 近年来,随着移民的大量涌入以及海外投资者的活跃, 澳大利亚社会对于住房的需求逐年增加。作为西方发达国家之一,澳洲居民的生活水准较高,民众比较注重生活质量和家庭内部环境,因此澳洲建材行业一直保持持续繁荣的趋势。
Brickworks 公司成立于1943年。旗下包括Austral Bricks、Bowral Bricks、Nubrik、Daniel Robertson、Austral Masonry、Austral Precast、Bristile Roofing、Auswest Timbers、Terracade、Pronto Panel、Inex Boards 等众多本土知名的建材品牌。其产品种类广泛,从房屋构建的基础材料,包括砖块、地铺、砌块、挡土墙、混泥土墙板、混泥土、陶土屋顶瓦,到独具特色的外墙系统和实木产品都有涉及。
Brickworks 研发部负责人徐静介绍Terracade陶土外立面系统
以墙板为例, Brickworks旗下的Pronto 墙板是一个适用于内外墙非负重功能的系统。 它打破了传统以水泥或石材粘贴的方式,通过将仅有60mm厚度墙板垂直固定在横向的轻质钢角上,实现了最小组件和各种尺寸切割的可行性, 安装简单、快速。同时,Pronto墙板在防火、隔音方面都经过了超过两年的严格测试,通过了澳洲建筑规范标准,为客户提供安全、耐用的质量保证。
Bristile 屋顶瓦产品展示
除了技术上的创新, Brickworks 还在产品的艺术设计上不断钻研。其旗下品牌Bristile屋顶瓦注重色彩的丰富性及混搭效果, 同时,其耐用性和干脆利落的边缘设计也得到了建筑商的认可。Brickworks同时也为客户提供专业咨询服务,帮助客户设计出款式新颖、别具创意的屋顶。
Brickworks 仓库
The leader of building materials market,Brickworks: Technology innovation create the artistic places.
As one of the largest and most diverse building material manufacturers in Australia, Brickworks Building Products was founded in 1943. Under the Brickworks Building products umbrella are some of Australia’s best-known building materials brands, including Austral Bricks, Bowral Bricks, Nubrik, Daniel Robertson, Austral Masonry, Austral Precast, Bristile Roofing, Auswest Timbers, Terracade, Pronto Panel and Inex Boards. Products include bricks, pavers, masonry blocks, retaining wall systems, precast concrete panels, concrete and terracotta roof tiles, timber products and specialised facade systems.
According to the Research Manager of Brickworks, Jing Xu, during about 100-year production, Brickworks always adhered to the unique combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology. Nowadays, Brickworks has become one of the Australia’s leading providers of building products, with more than 50% of market share.
Taking Pronto Panel as an example, it is a non-load bearing panel system that can be used both internally and externally. Pronto Panel’s minimal components and availability of various sizes minimizes cutting, taking an efficient assembly and installation into consideration. Besides, based on more than 2 year analyses and tests, Pronto Panel satisfies the performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia, which ensures the compatibility for projects requiring fire resistance and acoustic insulation.
Artistically, Brickworks also pursues the delivered stylish and innovative products, such as Bristile Roofing. Its rich colour blends, solidity and crisply-defined edges have been valued by some architects and builders.
For now, Brickworks is not only rooting in the domestic market, but also actively exploring the international market, especially in China. It expects to enhance bilateral trade and project cooperation, push forward cooperation with Chinese developers and builders as well.