东南网澳大利亚5月18日讯(本网通讯员 于婷婷) 悉尼时间5月18日下午,2017中澳经贸交流峰会在悉尼歌剧院隆重举行。本次峰会得到了各方面大力支持,参与人数众多。
澳大利亚联邦政府议员 John Alexander、澳大利亚新州金融部长 Victor Dominello,前新州上议员何沈慧霞,澳中促进会会长周大伟,澳大利亚杰出人士诺贝尔环境奖得主 Martin Green ,新南威尔士癌症新疗法研究院知名医生Dr. Jeremy Henson,澳大利亚中国文化友谊联合会主席陈玉明,澳大利亚华人文化团体联合会召集人何与怀博士等澳大利亚各界代表,以及多家华文媒体出席本次峰会。
组委会特别邀请了澳大利亚杰出人士诺贝尔环境奖得主Mr. Martin Green,与大家分享太阳能未来发展的趋势和保护环境、节约自然资源对人类的影响。Dr. Henson介绍了癌症新疗法研究院最新的研究成果。他希望在十年内通过研究,用更好的科技改善癌症患者健康状况,也希望借助峰会将最新研究成果推广到中国,寻求与中国企业家的合作机会,更好地将先进技术服务到中国患者。
澳洲知名医生及癌症研究专家Dr. Jeremy Henson也来到峰会现场,介绍世界领先的癌症细胞研究和癌症可以治愈的进程。周大伟希望通过此次峰会,让中澳成功企业家们能找到工业产业、先进技术、新科技等项目进行合作、投资或并购。
何沈慧霞、刘娜心、Maria Chan、叶培玲、Alex Yang、何与怀博士等纷纷向峰会成功举办表示祝贺,表示大力支持本次峰会的举办,并预祝峰会取得圆满成功。
据悉,峰会筹备期间,澳中促进会收到了澳大利亚前总理陆克文、托尼-艾博特,新南威尔士州州长Gladys Berejiklian,联邦政府国防工业部长Christopher Pyne,联邦政府议员John Alexander,新南威尔士州金融厅长Victor Dominello,新南威尔士州上议院院长Hon John Ajaka发来的祝贺欢迎函。
2017 Australia-China Economic and Trade Summit was held in Sydney Opera House
SYDNEY, May 18 (Tingting Yu, Southeast Net Australia) 2017 Australia-China Economic and Trade Summit was held in Sydney Opera House on 18th of May 2017. The event, convened by Australia China Economics, Trade & Culture Association (ACETCA) and broadly supported by different communities in Australia, is deemed to build a communication platform for Chinese and Australian leaders and entrepreneurs, expand bilateral relationship and enhance health and well-being of all human being.
As a welcome reception, the summit started at the Northern Foyer of Opera House. This summit aggregated a vast range of groups and societies over China and Australia, and closely involved outstanding representatives from business, academics, religious groups, and media. Leaders of different communities and organizations, Australian Federal MP John Alexander, Former state MP of NSW, Huixia Heshen, President of ACETCA, David Zhu Cancer Cell Biology researcher Dr. Jeremy Henson, Scientia Professor and International awards winner, Martin Green, and other representatives who have been devoting in enhancing cooperation between Chinese and Australians entrepreneurs and elites across fields, spoke in turns on the Summit.
David Zhou, the President of the ACETCA, expressed his welcome and hope in the enhancement of bilateral relationship. He also talked about the purpose of this summit, which is to bridge the gap between Chinese and Australian entrepreneurs and strengthen the collaboration across business and research fields.
After addressing their warm welcome and speeches, the participants of the summit called for donations towards the charitable organizations to improve the health and living for the children in need as well as the cancer research institutions through a charitable auction. The funding from this auction will be donated equally into both China Charities Aid Foundation for Children (CCAFC) and cancer research institutions in Australia.