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2016-07-05 11:47 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:石月 黄艺

Huawei Experiential Zone at Westfield Chatswood.

Huawei P9 AU Launch: Redefines Smartphone

By Han, Southeast Net Australia, 5 July

In response to the doubt like ‘how do you redefine smartphone photography’, all Huawei needs to do is to turn its P9 around and let people see the name it carries on its back, Leica.


It’s now the chance of Australian people to change their views on both smartphone photography and Huawei, with the first Leica phone, or the first Huawei camera.

The co-engineered dual cameras with Leica attracted a queue as long as 50 meters this morning at Huawei store at Chatswood, as the first customer started waiting at 4 AM just to be the first P9 owner of Australia.

The two Leica cameras, each with its own 12-megapixel sensor, one records colors and another records black and white, enable your photos to capture the dynamic colors of the world.

For too long Huawei has been tagged as the ‘Budget Plan’ of the market, whereas it’s now the time of taking these tags off and take a look on its quality.

“We partnering up with Leica has gained a lot of global reviews. It’s a fantastic achievement.” Said retail operation manager of Huawei Store at Chatswood.

P9 is now available in Huawei stores and retailers like JB-HIFI, as well as Telstra, Vodafone and Optus.


东南网澳大利亚站7月5日讯 (本站记者 彭寒 刘畅)华为与徕卡携手打造的徕卡双镜头手机华为P9今日在澳全面上市。









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