维护澳洲多元文化,反对修改歧视法18C ——“尊重之行”活动将在悉尼揭开序幕

2017-02-24 15:33 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:黄艺


东南网澳大利亚2月24日讯(本网记者 林佳慧)悉尼时间2月24日上午,Watson联邦议员、影子多元文化部长Tony Burke携同新州议员王国忠、Jihad Dib、Sophie Cotsis和Jodi Mckay,在位于恳思区的华人服务社举行了“尊重之行”活动形象大使证书颁发仪式。在仪式上,Tony Burke为来自多个社区组织的代表颁发证书,以表彰他们在各项反歧视活动中所做出的贡献。


Tony Burke发表讲话

Tony Burke在仪式上强调了多元社区参与“尊重之行”的重要性。他说:“我鼓励大家和我一起走上街头来表达我们团结一致的愿望,带上你们的家人朋友和孩子们,同时也不要忘记带上锣鼓。”

Sophie Cotsis发表讲话

新州影子多元文化厅长Sophie Cotsis表示,我们的成功将取决于我们如何有效地将社区团结在一起,不分裂,让多元化的融合带给我们更强的力量。


Tony Burke为到场各民族社区代表颁发证书

Tony Burke为到场各民族社区代表颁发证书

‘Walk for Respect’ Ambassadors Certificate Awarding Ceremony was launched in Campsie

By Jessie, Southeast Net Australia, 24 February

The Federal Member for Watson, Tony Burke launched the ‘Walk for Respect’ Ambassadors Ceremony on 24 February, presenting certificates to Ambassadors from ethnically diverse community organisations in recognition of their commitment and in unity against racism and bigotry. Tony Burke, along with the Member for Lakemba Jihad Dib and Member for Canterbury Sophie Cotsis, joined community representatives at the Lebanese Muslim Association in Lakemba and the Chinese Australian Services Society in Campsie, to acknowledge the importance of community involvement in the upcoming ‘Walk for Respect’.

“I encourage everyone to walk with me in a show of unity. Bring along your friends, family and kids, and don’t forget the drums,” Mr Burke said.

Ms Cotsis said “Our success will be a measure of how effective we are at uniting our community, not dividing it, and the collective strength that celebrating our diversity provides us.”

‘Walk for Respect’ is a walk of unity and solidarity for all Australians. People from all different cultural communities walk together for unity and against racist hate speech. They also celebrate and defend the Racial Discrimination Act, including its protections against racist hate speech.

The walk will be held on Friday 31 March, 2017 at 5.00pm, beginning on the corner of Gillies and Haldon Streets, with a free family BBQ at when the walk finishes at Parry Park.People who take part in the Walk for Respect will encounter cultural performances at various points during the walk, with drumming groups from different parts of the world will beat their drums.