
2017-05-01 15:57 艾伦·杜里 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:林佳慧


移民专家: Mr Alan Dino Duri

Yang & Duri 留学移民服务公司的创立者之一,Alan Duri先生毕业于麦考瑞大学并获得澳洲国立大学研究生学历。他有着非常丰富的行政法工作背景,在联邦各级仲裁法庭里从事法官的工作已有25年,包括移民复审终裁庭 (Migration Review Tribunal),现改名为行政上诉终裁庭移民与难民部等(Administrative Appeal Tribunal Migration Division and Refugee Division)。Duri先生在这些仲裁法庭的工作经验让他在移民法的理论和实践上都有着精深的学识。

The Australian government has advised of major changes to Australian citizenship criteria. The changes take effect to all citizenship applications received on or after 20 April 2017.


The changes include the following:


• Increase in general residence requirement to a minimum of four years permanent residence immediately prior to application for citizenship;

• 居住要求增加,永居后需至少居住满4年,才能申请公民;

• Need to demonstrate competent English prior to sitting the citizenship test;

• 在参加公民考试前需证明具备能力英语,(及等同雅思四个六)

• Changing the Australian values statement to include reference to allegiance to Australia and require applicants to make an undertaking to integrate into and contribute to the Australian community;

• 改变澳大利亚价值观申明,引入对澳大利亚效忠,要求申请人承诺要融入澳大利亚社会做贡献。

• Change the test for Australian citizenship with the addition of new test questions about Australian values, privileges and responsibilities of Australian citizenship;

• 改变澳大利亚公民考试,添加了关于澳大利亚价值观、澳大利亚公民所享有的权利与责任等新的测试问题

• Introducing a requirement for applicants to demonstrate their integration into the Australian community by providing documentation:

• 引入一项要求,要求申请人通过提供以下文件来证明其融入澳大利亚社会:

o that people who can work are working, or are actively looking for work or seeking to educate themselves;

o 具备劳动能力的人士需在工作,或是正积极的寻找工作,或是正在接受教育;

o that people are contributing to the community by being actively involved in community or voluntary organisations;

o 通过积极的参与社区与志愿者团体来为社会做贡献;

o that people are properly paying their taxes and ensuring their children are being educated

o 人们要纳税,确保他们的孩子接受教育。

o increased scrutiny of criminal records and adherence to social security laws will also be relevant;

o 对于犯罪记录严加审查,并且对于社会保障法的遵守情况也将列入考量。(及所谓的骗取centrelink补贴行为)


It remains to be seen has these changes will apply in practice. The legislation to enable the above changes has yet to be enacted and may be subject to further modification. Nevertheless it is apparent that the Government is intent on toughening current Citizenship laws.





