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New Zealand, Australia share ideas on tackling crime, emergencies
2016-04-26 15:18 来源:xinhua 责任编辑:黄艺

WELLINGTON, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Illegal firearms and unexplained wealth will be among the focus topics at a meeting of New Zealand and Australian ministers this week.

Ministers from the Australian national and state governments will join New Zealand counterparts for the fifth meeting of the trans-Tasman Law, Crime and Community Safety Council in the South Island resort town of Queenstown on Wednesday and Thursday.

The focus of the meeting would be in the areas of illegal firearms, unexplained wealth, domestic violence, compensation for child sexual abuse and national disaster resilience strategy, Justice Minister Amy Adams said in a statement Tuesday.

The ministerial council helped maintain a trans-Tasman focus on fighting crime and promoting best practice in law, criminal justice and community safety.

Adams would chair the plenary session on family violence and community safety, while Police Minister Judith Collins and Civil Defence Minister Nikki Kaye will chair sessions on law enforcement and emergency management respectively.

"The council meeting is an important forum for discussing current justice sector and emergency issues facing New Zealand and Australia, by allowing our respective jurisdictions to share ideas and experiences," Adams said.

The announcement came the same day as police chiefs in both countries issued a joint leadership statement and policing principle for protecting women and children from family violence.

The Police Commissioners have called on communities to challenge behaviour that turned a blind eye to family violence and attitudes that reflected an endemic disrespect of women.

"Living free from violence is everyone's right and reducing violence is everyone's responsibility," New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said in a statement.

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