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[To the Southern Cross 对话南十字星]MP Jodi McKay: Proud to represent Chinese Australian 我为代表华人感到骄傲
2016-04-27 11:06 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:石月 黄艺

Jodi McKay MP-Member for Strathfield

新州议员Jodi McKay专访


By Han April 27, 2016

东南网澳大利亚站4月27日报道(记者 彭寒)

With one of the highest densities of Chinese population, part of the electorate of MP Jodi McKay which includes Ashfield, Burwood and Strathfield are also known by some Sydney locals as the Real China Town of Sydney. As a newcomer of Sydney, walking down the road of Burwood simply gets rid of every last piece of homesickness out of my body.

Representing so many Chinese Australians in the parliament, as Jodi herself puts it, is a great pleasure.

On Chinese community and the message to young Chinese

How concentrated is the Chinese Population in you electorate?

"About a quarter of the populations in my electorate are Chinese, and I represent them in the parliament house. It’s a great pleasure. We have one of the major centers of Chinese in my area which is called Burwood. Half of the populations there are Chinese Australians. They contribute such an extraordinary effort to the community. I am really proud to represent them."

Asked about the most challenging part of her work with Chinese community, Jodi points out language, saying the language barrier of the first generation of immigration makes it hard to get the government information across on time. She is now seeking young Chinese who speaks on behalf of their parents or even Chinese international students to get involved and bridge the gap.

What has been done in terms of letting young Chinese being a part of your work?

"I am doing all I can to encourage young Chinese, particularly student, who may even be studying here as international students, to have a say on what is happening in the community. The view that international students can bring from China on how Sydney needs to grow and change, replicate some of the good things that are coming out of China."

On Chinese investment and the New Visa Policy

Chinese global trade has lately once again become one of the hottest international issues. How would you consider Chinese investment here in your area to the local economy?

"Now we have seen a lot of Chinese investments, particularly in development. In the area that I represent which is very close to the CBD, Chinese investors are most welcomed. I am very supportive to what happened in my local community. It's up to people like me in Parliament to advocate things like that, to make sure when any issue arises that may impact the way that my community is perceived, I need to stand up and say 'No'."

Prime Minister visited China last week, saying the new 10-year visa is on its way. How many new Chinese residents do you think it would bring to your area?

"My area is the place that Chinese Australians would always want to move to. They have their relatives here; their friends would talk them to move here. I don’t think it would impact my area because people would always come here. They just love it. (Laugh)"

On Amalgamation

The issue of the forced amalgamation has been hotly discussed all over the state. The council of Strathfield is going to be amalgamated with the Council of Canada Bay and Burwood, electing a new council. Even if it's been issued by the state government already, Jodi still believe that people should have their own voice heard on this case.

"One thing important is councilors will obviously be limited, given by the fact that there are 3 separate councils amalgamating. It’s much better when you have more people who are representing and being the voice for these areas. What has been driving these changes is purely about money and deficiency. That has been a concern to some people. Because it has to be about the services that people actually get."

There are concerns about councils taking debt of the others when they are forced to be amalgamated, does that happen in your area?

"Things are interesting in the areas that I represent, there are areas in them that have great need, there are some area particularly Strathfield that have great wealth. When you bring them together, you do get some of those conflicts. This is one of the biggest issues here in New South Wales now."

"The community should be given the right to decide what they want with their local council. But you’ve got state government forcing councils to do that. That is where tension arises, and that’s what people don't want."


一头清爽短发的Jodi曾经是一名记者,对于时政问题一直怀有的兴趣以及与生俱来的敏锐观察力和刨根问底的性格让她完成了从记者到政客的职业跨越。接受我们采访之前她特意向我们询问了东南网国内的网址以及福建的概况,并表示有机会一定会到访中国,到访福建。 Jodi目前的职务包括在新南威尔士州下议院代表Strathfield及周边地区的议员和新南威尔士州影子交通部长等。 



Jodi的选区中包括了悉尼三个最主要华人区中的两个,Ashfield和Burwood,后者的华人所占人口比重甚至达到了50%。走在Burwood的街上饿了有饺子有火锅,乏了有手法正宗的中式按摩,想喝酒了能买到茅台五粮液——一些老悉尼人管这儿叫The Real China Town。








Jodi McKay MP与本站记者合影

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