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2016-05-11 14:44 彭寒 来源:东南网澳大利亚站 责任编辑:石月 黄艺

东南网澳大利亚站5月10日讯 (本站记者 彭寒) 堪培拉时间5月10日下午,中国驻澳大利亚大使馆公使衔商务参赞黄任刚在使馆内亲切会见了前来拜访的东南网澳大利亚站站长陈炜杰一行。中国驻澳大利亚大使馆经商参处一等秘书吕博参与会见。






Minister Counselor Huang from Chinese Embassy meets Southeast Net Australia Manager Chen

By Han, 11 May

Rengang Huang, Minister Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs of the Chinese Embassy, met with Golden Chen, the Manager of Southeast Net Australia Site in Canberra on 10th May. The meeting focused on the future blueprint of Southeast Net Australia, the one-month-old Chinese news website based in Sydney.

Mr. Huang spoke highly of Golden Chen’s idea and implement of building the best news media as well as effective trade platform across two countries, saying Southeast Net has led the way of provincial government supported media working abroad.

“It’s been my dream to help boosting the bilateral trade. It’s now the perfect timing.” Said Golden Chen.

First secretary of Economic and Commercial of Chinese Embassy LU Bo and the Deputy Chief Editor of Southeast Net Australia Winming Tang also joined the meeting.

Authorized by the Information Office of State Council, Southeast Net (www.fjsen.com) is the most powerful news website of Fujian province of China, as well as the No.1 source of local story for news media around the world. The daily visit of the site stands solid around 3 millions. The Australia Site of Southeast Net is the first official news website in the Southern Hemisphere by Southeast Net.

Pic note: Golden Chen and Rengang Huang


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