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World's largest light, music festival Vivid Sydney ready to start
2016-05-27 17:10 来源:xinhua 责任编辑:黄艺

A couple shout "I love you" at the I Love You installation at First Fleet Park as part of the Vivid Sydney festival of light in Sydney, Australia, 26 May 2016. [Photo/IC]

SYDNEY - The world's largest light, music and ideas festival, Vivid Sydney, will begin on Friday evening in the Australian city of Sydney.

The 23-night extravaganza kicks off at 6 pm (AEST) local time and features more than 90 light installations - a dramatic increase from its humble beginnings in 2009, which featured only 25 light installations.

New South Wales (NSW) state tourism minister Stuart Ayres told Xinhua that Vivid is the biggest major event the state hosts.

"There is more than 90 light installations, 1,500 hours of programmed music events and 170 creative events," Ayres said.

"There is plenty to surprise and delight all-comers, whether you are a first-time visitor or a festival regular."

Ayres noted that for the first time, the world of Australian Indigenous art will be celebrated on the Sydney Opera House sails, and installations will illuminate the Royal Botanic Garden and Taronga Zoo.

The work of 30 Chinese artisans will also be showcased at Sydney's Taronga Zoo for the festival.

The artisans from the city of Zigong in China's Sichuan Province worked hard to construct 43 animal shaped lanterns for the festival.

"We also have two world-firsts at Darling Harbour with the Vivid Laser-Dragon Water-Theatre's 13-metre robotic arm, and Intel's 'Eyes on the Harbour' Real Sense water theatre face projection."

Children observe a giant lantern in the shape of an Asian Elephant during a preview of Taronga Zoo's inaugural contribution to the Vivid Sydney light festival, the annual interactive light installation and projection event around Sydney, May 24, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]

A visitor to the Sydney Botanical Garden's inaugural contribution to the Vivid Sydney light festival takes a picture of the 'Cathedral of Light' during a preview of the annual interactive light installation and projection event around Sydney, Australia May 25, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]

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