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Australian wine exports to China up 64 percent
2016-04-19 10:30 来源:xinhua 责任编辑:黄艺

SYDNEY, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Australian wine exports to China have lifted 64 percent in the past 12 months, according to a report released on Monday.

Exports from April 2015 to March 2016 to China accounted for 397 million Australian dollars (303.4 million U.S. dollars), overtaking Britain at 371 million Australian dollars (283.5 million dollars).

Wine Australia's Export Report found China's preference for Australian red wines continued this year with red wine's share of value increasing from 91 to 93 percent.

The total value of red wine exports increased by 66 percent to 368 million Australian dollars (281.2 million dollars), while white wine increased by 39 percent to 20 million Australian dollars (15.2 million dollars).

The report noted exports were boosted by the introduction of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) in December 2015, making China the second largest market for Australian exports by value after the United States.

"It is very pleasing to see the increasing demand for premium Australian wines, particularly in Asia," Wine Australia chief executive Andreas Clark said in a statement Monday.

"Bottled wine exports grew by 16 percent to 1.7 billion Australian dollars (1.29 billion dollars), the highest value in five years," Clark said.

"There was growth in bottled exports at all price points, but growth was strongest at the higher end."

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