东南网澳大利亚站9月7日讯 (本站记者 王慧明)悉尼中国留学生冷梦梅遇害案今日上午9点30分在Burwood Local Court进行第三次庭审,犯罪嫌疑人Derek Barrett并未出庭,其辩护律师向法官申请延期,目前已确认下次庭审将延期至2016年11月9日。
Front of Burwood Local Court
The Leng Mengmei murder case faces the fourth court hearing
Southeast Net Australia, By Rita, 7th September
The third court hearing of Leng Mengmei murder case was held in Burwood Local Court this morning. In the court, the judge accepted the adjournment motion from criminal suspects’ lawyer and announced that the next court judgement will be on 11th November.
The criminal suspect, Derek Barrett, did not appear in the court.